STEM News ~ December 2024
This Autumn Term has been extremely busy for our students. There has been a huge number of extracurricular activities taking place both within the school and also in the wider community. Bexley Grammar School continues to forge links with both Universities and Industry to bring exceptional opportunities to our student body. Here are a few highlights.
Ms Lusted, STEM Coordinator
The Senior Science Society
This incredibly popular group has been very proactive in meeting weekly and organising group trips to lectures. Please see previous editions of this newsletter to read more. Both myself and Mrs Moore have been very impressed by the level of interest and engagement in this group, which bodes very well for the future aspirations of the current Year 12 cohort. We look forward to seeing what they get up to in the spring term.
ICE Cityzen Competition
A number of Year 12 students have taken part in a civil engineering competition. Phase one is now completed, and some groups are moving on to the project stage. I am very inspired by their creative ideas and will update on their projects in the Spring. One key aspect of this competition is the chance to meet with an industry ambassador. Our school has been paired with Jack Pickering, a civil engineer at Mott Macdonald. He has been incredibly generous with his time. Firstly, he came to school and delivered a lecture on this exciting area of engineering, and he is also providing continued support for our teams as they develop their own project ideas as part of the competition. He also kindly let me rope him in to join the Year 10s for Power Day 2’s Engineering Day (more details below)!
Arkwright Engineering Scholarships
This year we have seen an unprecedented level of interest in the prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. Fourteen Year 11 students completed the application process, including a very detailed application form and an online exam. We are currently waiting to hear how many will be invited to interview. I have my fingers crossed!!
Science Club
This year’s science club has been running every Tuesday lunchtime for Year 7s (supported by the lovely science leaders in Year 12). So far this term, they have carried out a huge variety of experiments using bunsen burners, different chemicals and even a kidney dissection! It takes place in M16 from 12.35–1.00pm every Tuesday and everyone is welcome, so please just come along if you are keen to get involved.
Power Day
The second Power Day of the Year is themed ‘Industry and Enterprise’. Both the Year 9 and Year 10 cohorts took part in STEAM workshops throughout the day.
The Year 9 students who were not preparing for their Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions could choose from a selection of STEAM workshops including Food Technology (icing skills), Creative Arts, Design Technology, Computer Science, Architecture and an Outbreak Simulation workshop run by a team from UKHSA. Altogether, we had 7 ambassadors from different industries working with the year 9 students to open their eyes to the wide array of different fields and careers involving STEAM subjects. The different activities were very creative and varied; as always, I was hugely impressed by the work produced by our students. All the visitors commented on how attentive and engaged they were throughout.
The Year 10 students enjoyed an engineering-themed day. This was also supported by engineers from a number of different companies who came in to work with our students throughout the day. The ambassadors came from Mott Macdonald, WSP, and Buro Happold. Activities included building Go-Karts, creating a marble run out of newspaper and various design and build challenges. As always, our students impressed with their level of creativity and enthusiasm throughout a long and busy day. I hope this has inspired them so that they too can go on to have a fascinating career in this field.