Sixth Blog: How can I manage revision effectively?
Sixth Form is definitely a step up from GCSE level and, as such, requires quite a bit more work. This can be a shock for some people but it’s important to understand that picking up a few good habits will go a long way to making the workload more manageable! Here are a few tips from some students in their second year…
Planning revision effectively
This one is really important- it’s never fun to try and learn lots of content the night before a big exam! Give yourself time to review all the material required as this will allow you to ask your teachers questions about anything you don’t understand. It’s also important not to study 24/7, so schedule breaks and try to not work too late into the night. One way to do this is to create a revision timetable (you could try using this one which also has some ‘revision-maker’ tools) so that you can see what you need to do or plan out your week (you could use these templates) to pace yourself better.
Different revision methods
Everyone revises in different ways. One way is to read lots of textbooks and revision websites, making notes on them to ensure that you understand the content. But this might not work for everyone, so it’s crucial that you try out different methods. Watch videos explaining key concepts, draw mind maps and create revision documents, make flash cards and learn key vocabulary- there’s so much that you can do! Writing notes as you go along makes it a lot easier to review information at the end of the course (if you’re using notes found on the internet, make sure that you check the syllabus is correct and that you’re happy with the information being given to you).
Getting things done early
This is one of the most popular pieces of advice, as it's often one learned from experience! Completing your homework on the day that it is set will ease the workload and mean that you have one less thing to worry about. When you have pieces of coursework and essays to think about, it’s easy to put off the little bits of work here and there but they will pile up. If you use your free periods effectively, it really cuts down on the time you spend working.
Asking for help
If you’re struggling with the amount of work, don’t understand something in your subject or want to ask about a practice question you’ve done then ask! Your teachers will be happy to help, but they can’t always guess that you’re falling behind. It’s important to ask for assistance early, so that your teachers can put something together for you. You can also ask other students to see if they can help you, as they might give a different perspective on the issue.
With a bit of time and planning, the Sixth Form workload can be a little less daunting. It’s often hard to keep motivated (particularly at the moment!) but working hard now will make your life a lot easier in the long run. Remember to ask for help if you need it and to spread out your study time if you start to feel overwhelmed.
Charlotte Allen - Year 13.