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PE News ~ June 2024

Year 9 Rounders Tournament

It was a 2nd place finish for the Year 9 rounders team at the Bexley tournament at Townley. The team displayed exceptional skill, sportsmanship, and teamwork throughout the competition, with solid batting performances and strategic game play. A special mention goes to our standout performers:
Devine for her outstanding efforts in both batting
and outfield, along with Lisa for her calm and composed bowling. 
A nail-biting final game! 

Go team!
Mrs Kemp, PE Department
Year 8 & 10 Rounders Teams v Trinity

Double success for our rounders teams against Trinity. High scoring games in all innings across both age groups. Our Year 8s produced rapid bowling, with outstanding deep field catches from Victoria, earning her the player of the match along with Nifemi for her consistent batting.

A well battled game for the Year 10s girls. Another friendly and competitive again. Well done to everyone, and the rain held off!

Mrs Kemp and Mrs Mallin

Year 7 Cricket Team v Bullers Wood

What a close game the Year 7 team were involved in last week! We got Bullers Wood (B) all out for 66 without them completing their full 20 overs. With 1 ball left of the game, we needed 2 runs to win.

We managed to get 1 run and the scores were level!  As we bowled their team out and took more wickets, we progressed into the next round of the cup. It was great to see how pleased all the team were.

A special congratulation goes to those boys making their BGS debut.

Well done all!

Mr Mackle, PE Department

Year 10 Cricket Squad V Gravesend Grammar

The Year 10 cricket squad put in a spirited performance against a very strong Gravesend Grammar School side last week.  We batted first but struggled to build any partnerships of note.  As a result, we were all out for 66 runs.  Although we did well to take a few early wickets, ultimately Gravesend won the match and therefore went through to the next round of the competition.

We look forward to our next fixture against Beths!

Mr Mackle

Year 8 Cricket v Hurstmere

Well done to the Year 8 cricket team, who eased to an 8 wicket win against Hurstmere on Monday. A blistering opening bowling spell from Atharva (4 wickets) and Ethan (2) left Hurstmere reeling at 9 for 6.  The boys knocked off the runs to win in less than 10 overs.

Mr Lines, Head of PE

Power Day 4 ~ Well Done Year 7!

On Power Day 4, Year 7 took part in a PE fundraising event, with a competition to see which student and which form could be sponsored the most.  The students did a brilliant job, and raised nearly £2500! 

7LC were crowned the highest fundraising form, and 5 students were given certificates for raising the most sponsorship: Ben McCarthy 7TMR, Caitlin Mackintosh 7TMR, Daniel Blair-Hicks 7SDA, Adi Chana 7LC and Charlotte Luxford 7LC.  Kasey Bokhoree-Cejzner 7LC also took the trophy for being our fundraising champion after he raised an incredible £210

The funds will be used to contribute to our new tennis court fencing, and will also go towards the cost of a new scoreboard in the sports hall.  Thank you to everyone who sponsored a student, and to the pupils themselves for their hard work.

Mr Lines, Head of PE