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  • Sardinia 2024 ~ Part 1

    Published 12/06/24

    In the May half-term, nineteen Year 12 students of Italian and Social and Cultural Anthropology enjoyed a wonderful trip to Sardinia, experiencing Sardinian nature, culture, history, traditions and food - accompanied by Ms Martucci and Ms Contini.

    We started off by visiting the rescue centre for marine life in the Nora lagoon, west of Cagliari, where we were given the opportunity to learn a great deal about various species of marine creatures, such as sea cucumbers, starfish and various cetaceans. The highlight of this session was seeing real life sea turtles that had been rescued and were being cared for by the staff at the rescue centre - although this was also a reminder of how humans are negatively impacting these wonderful creatures, for example through plastic waste.

    We then enjoyed a lovely, sunny afternoon on the beach, and swam in gorgeous turquoise waters!

    The next day, we explored the city of Cagliari: our guide, an expert archaeologist, took us to see the underground Roman remains of streets and houses that were found accidentally under a church in 1999! We then went for a walking tour in Cagliari, learning all about the city’s origins and especially focussing on the fortification of the city in mediaeval times.

    After a stop for lunch, we headed to the beach once again, to have a little swim at Poetto beach, with the backdrop of the Sella Del Diavolo (the Devil’s Saddle) - a very impressive rock formation.

    The following day, we took a long bus ride to the heart of Sardinia, to learn all about the carnival traditions of Mamoiada, focussing specifically on the Mamuthones masks. We learnt about the important functions of these masks parading the streets in winter, on the day of Saint Anthony, to cast away evil spirits that would threaten the harvest, and also to ward off death and sorrow and look forward to spring. We visited the workshop of a mask maker, who explained in detail how masks are made and the importance of Mamuthones for the identity of the people of Mamoiada today.

    In the afternoon, we moved to the nearby town of Orgosolo, famous for its mural paintings that express important messages of peace and social justice and refer to important historical events, such as the 1968 uprising by the local people against the construction of a NATO military base that would have taken away their lands (precious for pastures) and also international events such as the war in Iraq or Tien An Men square.

    The next day we headed north towards Alghero, stopping by two very important prehistoric sites - the Necropolis of Bonorva and the impressive Nuraghe of Santu Antine. In both sites, we appreciated some buildings and burials dating back to 6000 years ago, and we reflected on how prehistoric humans had similar needs and belief systems to ours, such as customs relating to the afterlife, hierarchical structures, the need to belong etc. We then spent the afternoon in Alghero relaxing on the beach, at yet another stunning location.

    We spent our last day exploring Alghero, learning about its history, from its founding by a noble family from Genoa to its conquest by the Catalans, and the importance of coral for the local economy. The highlight of this day was the visit to the spectacular Nettuno caves, and the boat ride there, again surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery.

    It was a wonderful experience for both staff and students, and even though we came back extremely tired, we all feel incredibly enriched by this experience.

    Students' comments:

    As an anthropology student, I found this trip to not only be educational but also extremely fun and entertaining. Over the week, I got closer to my peers and my teachers, and I picked up several new Italian words; one would think I am bilingual. Overall, I really enjoyed the sun and warm temperatures. Furthermore, I was in awe of the beaches, they were so clear (thankfully there were no jellyfish)! I would love to visit Sardinia again in the future. It was an amazing experience 10/10.

    The trip was such a good experience; not only did we learn lots which could be applied to anthropology, but it was also planned out very well so that we got lots of free time to enjoy ourselves with our friends and on the beaches. Sardinia was a great trip, and I'd recommend it to anyone who gets the opportunity to go.

    It is so difficult to choose what the most enjoyable aspect of the trip was, as the whole trip was an amazing experience. The weather was absolutely perfect, so we had three days when we went to the beach, and it was gorgeous. I also really loved learning about the history of Sardinia and going to the centre for marine biology in Nora. Overall, it was a great trip where I got to know my classmates better and ate lots of delicious ice cream.  

    This trip was genuinely one of the best weeks of my life. I have made life-long memories and I have strengthened my friendships and independence. Sardinia is an amazing place and Miss Contini planned the best tour and showcased all the best parts of her homeland, and we all fell in love with it. I wouldn’t hesitate to go back and relive the memories over again, and I would recommend it to anyone, not only for the beautiful beaches, but for the history and unique culture.

    Please click on the link here to view the Sardinia 2024 Photo Gallery.

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 ~ A Resounding Success! (Monday 13th - Friday 17th May)

    Published 11/06/24

    Mental Health Awareness Week, organised by Miss Gowdie (Psychology teacher) and the dedicated psychology prefects, was a vibrant and impactful event this year. Kicking off with a bake sale on Monday, May 13th, the generosity of our students was overwhelming. The sheer amount of treats donated allowed us to host a second bake sale on Tuesday, May 14th, during both break and lunch times. To further raise awareness, Thursday, May 16th, was designated as "Wear Green Day." Students showed their support by donning green attire or accessories and contributing donations to YoungMinds and Place2Be charities. The week culminated in a dynamic "Move Day" on Friday, May 17th, where both students and teachers participated in an array of activities including races, juggling, hula-hooping, and kick-up competitions. The energy and enthusiasm were palpable, creating a lively atmosphere that resonated throughout the school.

    Here are statements from our dedicated psychology prefects, Princela and Farida, reflecting on the week's activities and their impact on our school community.

    To promote Mental Health Awareness Week, I, along with some of the other Senior Prefects, helped give an assembly to the Year 7s, during which we discussed the importance of mental health awareness, the signs to look out for in yourself and others, as well as coping strategies. This assembly was very successful! Some of the events of the week included a Bake Sale, Wear A Green Item Day and Move For Mental Health, which included lunchtime activities on the Friday. The Bake Sale managed to raise a total of £109.50! All of which will be donated to mental health charities ‘Young Minds’ and ‘Place2Be’!


    For the ‘Wear a Green Item Day’, students were encouraged to bring in a green item to raise awareness for the two chosen charities, ‘Young Minds’ and ‘Place2Be’.

    Move for Mental Health (lunchtime activities), was a very eventful and successful lunch where not just students of all year groups, but teachers too engaged in multiple activities at lunch to get them moving! We had a variety of juggling, hula-hooping, keepy-uppy competitions and a race! Some winners of each competition even got special medals as a reward for their accomplishments. Overall, it was a fantastic way to keep everyone engaged and moving!



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  • PE News ~ June 2024

    Published 11/06/24
    Year 9 Rounders Tournament

    It was a 2nd place finish for the Year 9 rounders team at the Bexley tournament at Townley. The team displayed exceptional skill, sportsmanship, and teamwork throughout the competition, with solid batting performances and strategic game play. A special mention goes to our standout performers:
    Devine for her outstanding efforts in both batting
    and outfield, along with Lisa for her calm and composed bowling. 
    A nail-biting final game! 

    Go team!
    Mrs Kemp, PE Department
    Year 8 & 10 Rounders Teams v Trinity

    Double success for our rounders teams against Trinity. High scoring games in all innings across both age groups. Our Year 8s produced rapid bowling, with outstanding deep field catches from Victoria, earning her the player of the match along with Nifemi for her consistent batting.

    A well battled game for the Year 10s girls. Another friendly and competitive again. Well done to everyone, and the rain held off!

    Mrs Kemp and Mrs Mallin

    Year 7 Cricket Team v Bullers Wood

    What a close game the Year 7 team were involved in last week! We got Bullers Wood (B) all out for 66 without them completing their full 20 overs. With 1 ball left of the game, we needed 2 runs to win.

    We managed to get 1 run and the scores were level!  As we bowled their team out and took more wickets, we progressed into the next round of the cup. It was great to see how pleased all the team were.

    A special congratulation goes to those boys making their BGS debut.

    Well done all!

    Mr Mackle, PE Department

    Year 10 Cricket Squad V Gravesend Grammar

    The Year 10 cricket squad put in a spirited performance against a very strong Gravesend Grammar School side last week.  We batted first but struggled to build any partnerships of note.  As a result, we were all out for 66 runs.  Although we did well to take a few early wickets, ultimately Gravesend won the match and therefore went through to the next round of the competition.

    We look forward to our next fixture against Beths!

    Mr Mackle

    Year 8 Cricket v Hurstmere

    Well done to the Year 8 cricket team, who eased to an 8 wicket win against Hurstmere on Monday. A blistering opening bowling spell from Atharva (4 wickets) and Ethan (2) left Hurstmere reeling at 9 for 6.  The boys knocked off the runs to win in less than 10 overs.

    Mr Lines, Head of PE

    Power Day 4 ~ Well Done Year 7!

    On Power Day 4, Year 7 took part in a PE fundraising event, with a competition to see which student and which form could be sponsored the most.  The students did a brilliant job, and raised nearly £2500! 

    7LC were crowned the highest fundraising form, and 5 students were given certificates for raising the most sponsorship: Ben McCarthy 7TMR, Caitlin Mackintosh 7TMR, Daniel Blair-Hicks 7SDA, Adi Chana 7LC and Charlotte Luxford 7LC.  Kasey Bokhoree-Cejzner 7LC also took the trophy for being our fundraising champion after he raised an incredible £210

    The funds will be used to contribute to our new tennis court fencing, and will also go towards the cost of a new scoreboard in the sports hall.  Thank you to everyone who sponsored a student, and to the pupils themselves for their hard work.

    Mr Lines, Head of PE

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  • MFL Trip to Oxford University

    Published 05/06/24

    In May, the MFL Department ran their very first MFL trip to Oxford University with a selection of our Year 10 and Year 12 linguists. The focus of the trip was to give our most enthusiastic linguists a glimpse of the opportunities that studying languages at university could open, especially when combined with another subject in joint degrees. On the day, students had the chance to attend some very informative sessions led by Nicola Brown, School Liaison Officer at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, and Sarah Large, Outreach Program Coordinator at Mansfield College. After a taster lecture in literature, our group met two BGS alumni, Lucas and Harry, for a private tour of Hertford College.

    Our students were not only inspired by the academic sessions but also by the personal stories and experiences shared by the student ambassadors and our BGS alumni. The opportunity to explore the beautiful and historic campus of Oxford University was an unforgettable experience that has sparked a newfound motivation and curiosity in our linguists. Witnessing their excitement and engagement throughout the day was incredibly rewarding.

    Ms Giglione and Dr Symons
    MFL Department

    On the 17th May, I, along with 24 other Year 10 language leaders and Year 12s, visited Mansfield College (Oxford University). When we arrived at the college, after a brief walk through the beautiful grounds, we were offered biscuits and refreshments, which we enjoyed outside under the shade of parasols in the warm sun. Afterwards, we attended a lecture where we learnt about the process of applying to university and the various opportunities and jobs that having a language degree offered, which included careers in law, advertising and education. Shortly after, there was a Q&A with three Oxford students, which I found immensely interesting and learnt that studying languages involves a lot of culture as well as literature, which made me more eager to continue to learn languages in the future.

    After the lectures, we were taken around the college for a tour, where we saw the beautiful library as well as the impressive artwork of some Oxford students which were decorated around the corridors, some of which were celebrating the anniversary of when women were first admitted into the university. We then attended a seminar, where we analysed an 18th Century text, which gave us a fascinating insight into the literature segment of studying languages at university, which was shortly followed by a tour of Hertford College led by two BGS alumni; Harry and Lucas.

    The trip was an excellent opportunity for me to understand the experience and enjoyment which comes with studying languages at university, as well as providing a general overview of the application process of university - I definitely recommend this to anyone who is given the opportunity to go on this trip!

    Hana Ostrowski, Year 10

    It was incredibly interesting to have an early look at how Modern Foreign Languages are studied at Oxford University and what daily life for students is like throughout its different colleges. A highlight for me was the academic taster session, where we were split into different groups and given a text translated from French. From there, we then had to find and use specific details from it in order to gather inferences about its origin, context and story. Listening to different interpretations from different groups shows us how diverse our individual understanding of linguistics can be.

    Berad Musov, Year 10

    The trip to Oxford University was an amazing experience. Visiting Mansfield College was extremely inspirational. We got to learn about the courses they offered, student life and even had a taster lesson. We then visited Hertford college. There we also saw the dorms, dining hall and its chapel. It was altogether a great experience. Thank you to Dr Symons and Miss Giglione for taking the time to put this trip together.

    Caitlyn Osei-Tutu

    Please click on the link here to view the MFL Trip to Oxford University. 

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  • Latest News ~ May 2024

    Published 23/05/24

    Year 8 Football

    Well done to the Year 8 football team who finished the season as Runners-Up in the North Kent Cup.  They played the final last Wednesday against a very strong Wilmington Grammar School side that had not conceded a goal throughout their season.  A great level of quality football from both teams was on show, but Wilmington ended up as Champions by winning 3-2 in an entertaining and exciting match.

    Congratulations to them as North Kent Champions and well done to the Year 8 squad for a real battling performance. Heads can most definitely be held high, even though the result didn't go our way. 

    Thank you to all who came to support them! Maybe next year will be our year... enjoy the summer break.

    Mr Mackle & Mr Skinner, PE Department

    Well Done Year 10 Sports Leaders!

    Well done to our fantastic Year 10 sports leaders who led a brilliant mini-tennis tournament for 6 local primary schools on Wednesday afternoon. Our leaders were a credit to themselves and the school.

    Thank you!

    Mr Lines, Head of PE

    Cricket News

    Year 7 Cricket

    Well done to the Year 7 cricket team after a hard fought battle against Chislehurst & Sidcup Grammar School. Unfortunately, BGS came out second best this time despite scoring a very credible 284. The team spirit was fantastic, and the team were an absolute pleasure to work with in their first away fixture of the season. Yet more BGS pupils making their debut!

    Year 8 Cricket

    Well done to the Year 8 cricket team, who secured a comfortable 8-wicket win over Charles Darwin on Monday afternoon in the Kent Trophy.

    The boys can look forward to the next round after half-term.

    Year 10 Cricket

    A close opening game for our Year 10 cricket team. We scored 107 off 20 overs.  Wilmington reached the total with an over to go. A lovely evening and an enjoyable game that had lots of twists and turns.

    Ultimately, some excellent fielding from Wilmington beat us. The focus turns to our next fixture in a few days!

    Mr Mackle, PE Department

    Badminton – Congratulations James!

    Many congratulations to James Ng (Year 8) who, along with his Kent U15 teammates, secured a national badminton title at the finals of the Shires League at Loughborough University.  Qualifying by winning all of their matches during the season, James and his team beat Hertfordshire in round 1 of the finals, Warwickshire in the semi-final and Essex in the final.  Winning a national competition is a huge achievement - well done James!

    Mr Lines, Head of PE

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  • Young Enterprise 10X Challenge

    Published 22/05/24

    Year 10 Business Studies students are currently engaged in the 10X Challenge. Each team of around 5 students are pledged £10 for four weeks to get their business idea off the ground. The challenge allows students to put theory into practice, develop their entrepreneurial skills and give them some experience of what it is like to run a business. Students have set up businesses selling goods ranging from bouncy balls to home-made bracelets and services from car washing to garden maintenance (see pictures). We wish them the very best of luck and look forward to hearing all about their experiences after half-term!

    Mrs Harris, Head of Business & Economics

    Before and after:


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  • A Magical Evening with Shakespeare’s 'The Tempest'

    Published 22/05/24

    Our school auditorium was filled with excitement and enchantment as our talented students from Year 7 to Year 9 took to the stage to perform William Shakespeare’s 'The Tempest'. This production captivated an audience of proud parents and eager primary school students, leaving everyone spellbound by the young actors' impressive skills and infectious enthusiasm.

    From the moment the curtain rose, our young performers brought Shakespeare’s characters to life with dance numbers from Usher and Bruno Mars to complement Shakespeare’s complex storyline.  The lighting and sound was operated and designed by talented Year 9 students: Jack Blowfield, Wyatt Knox- Newman, and Rowan Banks. Amelia Younis-Jordan created captivating projections to help transport us to the mystical island where magic and adventure await.

    Not only did the whole of Year 7 get the chance to see this show, but so did 3 primary schools. The cast rose to the challenge of adapting to their new surroundings. For many of the Year 4 to 6 pupils, it was their first encounter with Shakespeare, and the young cast made the 400-year-old text engaging and exciting. The primary students watched in awe, inspired by the performances of their older peers and perhaps imagining themselves on stage in the future at Bexley Grammar School.

    Backstage, the camaraderie and teamwork amongst the students were palpable. This production has not only honed their acting skills but also fostered friendships and a sense of community. They supported each other through every scene change led by a new team of stage managers: Kitt (Year 9), Anushka (Year 8), Naina (Year 8), Beth (Year 12) and Ify (Year 12), embodying the true spirit of collaboration. The illuminating make-up was designed by a team of Year 12: Elena, Ananya and Arienne, with the amazing costume led by Mrs Ellis' vision and implemented by Millie, Oliver and Louis. Not to forget the transfixing choreography in the opening sequence and the enchanting “Sweet Dreams” by Leandrah Fadiga and whipped into shape by Claudia Baker.

    Thank you to all who attended and supported “The Tempest” and especially to the talented cast who performed 6 shows in 2 days to a variety of different audiences- I am very proud.

    Miss Gabriel, Drama and Theatre Studies Department

    Student Testaments

    ‘I loved the experience!’

    I loved doing “The Tempest”! I loved the experience, like all the other school plays I have done. It is really fun when we go on tour and I enjoyed performing in front of the primary schools. I just loved going to rehearsals, costumes, lighting and the people in it!

    The Year 7 to 9 Shakespeare plays are amazing as only students from 7 to 9 can audition and so, in my opinion, you have a better chance of getting more lines and a bigger role than, let’s say, the school play. Overall, I really enjoyed it and recommend any Year 7s and 8s to audition next year!

    Grace Shaw, Year 8

    ‘On tour filled me with adrenaline’

    In all honesty, at the beginning, rehearsals felt somewhat like a chore. However, looking back now, I realise that missing out on this experience would have been a grave and utter mistake: I loved it; performing gave such an exhilarating thrill. I found myself buzzing with anticipation, eager to get on stage and leave all our hard work out there. Arriving at the primary schools and seeing the excitement of our audiences on tour filled me with adrenaline; for our evening show, the atmosphere was just electric with the lighting and set igniting the play to another level.

    These productions build a community amongst students across all year groups who have a common denominator: theatre. Tears were shed, joy was shared but above all, friendships were formed. 3 months ago, I would have never thought that something so different from what I'm used to would bring pure ecstasy.'

    P.S. Thank you, Miss, for not letting me quit the show :)

    Adebola Olateru, Year 9

    ‘I can’t wait to find out what play we will be doing next year

    Being part of the tempest was like being in a secret society. I loved performing at different primary schools and partying backstage after each success. I can’t wait to find out what play we will be doing next year and I know that I will do it next year and I encourage you to as well!

    Kendra Kukunda, Year 7

    ‘It feels like one big family, rehearsing twice a week’

    I loved performing in the Year 7-9 Shakespeare plays because the whole time you are working with people who are around the same age as you and have common interests. It feels like one big family, rehearsing twice a week, for up to two hours, and working up to your big performance day! Being 'Caliban' was the absolute best, as I got to portray the role of a sometimes drunk, funny and sometimes scared monster.

    Princess Regina Otto, Year 8

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  • BGS Cheerleading Club's Debut Performance!

    Published 09/05/24

    BGS Cheerleading Club entered the Future Cheer Schools Out Competition on Sunday 5th May in Milton Keynes.

    They placed 6th overall in their division, which is an amazing result for their debut performance against many well-established teams.

    Well done!

    Miss Mani 


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  • Year 8 Maths Diploma

    Published 08/05/24

    For their Maths Diploma, Year 8 students were tasked with a statistical investigation of data which they had researched and/or collected themselves. Our hardworking students came up with some intriguing ideas - from asking their friends to identify their favourite food, to looking at the numbers associated with their favourite sports team or video game, to measuring how many kick-ups students of different ages can perform on the football pitch!

     They then used the statistical techniques they’ve been learning in lessons - including pie charts, bar charts, stem and leaf diagrams, box plots, cumulative frequency graphs, scatter graphs, linear correlation and regression, statistical summary calculations, and more - to study their data and to produce a report or poster of their analysis. Some of their excellent work can be seen below.

    Good job, Year 8!

    Mr Male, KS3 Maths Coordinator

    Click on the link here to view the Maths Diploma Photo Gallery

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  • Congratulations Alice!

    Published 07/05/24

    Huge congratulations to Alice Black and her netball team. Alice went to Sunderland to compete last weekend and came an impressive 7th in England!  Alice plays for Kent County Netball Club. Following an initial qualifying regional tournament and 14 matches throughout the season, they gained a place at the U16 National Finals. The 18 best teams in England played over 2 days, in Sunderland, at the Beacon of Light Stadium. Their team, KCNC, won 5 of their 7 matches in the Finals, only losing to the eventual winners and another top team. Congratulations to Alice, an excellent GD circle defender who played every match, blocking out the opposition, defending shots and making interceptions to turn the play over. She is part of an amazing team, who worked brilliantly together to beat tough opponents, and we can proudly say they came 7th in the country.

    Teamwork at its best!

    The PE department is proud of your success, Alice. Well done!

    Mrs Kemp, PE Department

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  • MFL Diploma 2024

    Published 07/05/24

    For their MFL Diploma Year 7, students created a piece of work about themselves using the vocabulary they have learnt in lessons so far this year. Diplomas were judged on the quality of language and presentation.

    This year we had some absolutely wonderful projects with examples of outstanding language and creativity. The award for Best French Diploma goes to Suriya (7JR) and the Best German Diploma to Aysu (7LC).


    Well done to all our Year 7 students for completing this project on time and to such a high standard.

    Click on the link here to view the Year 7 MFL Diploma Photo Gallery

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  • TSBA Ceremony 2024

    Published 07/05/24

    On Thursday 25th April 2024, we went to the TSBA ceremony at Latymer Upper School. To get there, we got the train to Victoria and then the tube to the school. When we got there, there was a lovely ceremony where all the student winners were announced for the creative responses and the book review competitions. Then the author winners of TSBA and the Trinity+ were awarded (Rebel Skies by Ann Sei Lin for TSBA and Lies like Wildfires by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez for Trinity+). After that, there were 'elemental' themed snacks, and we could get our books signed by the authors that were there and take pictures with them too. After that, we got the tube and train back to school. Of course, this wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing Mrs Carey. So thank you for everything you do for us, Mrs Carey.

    Liv, Year 8

    The book trip was great fun! - just like last year! We got books signed and had some nice snacks too. We found out who won the TSBA awards (Rebel Skies) which I would recommend reading as it’s very good.

    Overall, it was an excellent trip with the best librarian, Mrs Carey. I hope to do it again next year!

    Grace, Year 8

    In the autumn term, my two book groups read 14 books as part of the Trinity Schools Book Awards, voted on their favourites and eagerly awaited the awards ceremony where we found out which authors would take the trophies.

    I was lucky enough to take nine students from Years 7-10 to Latymer Upper School to watch the ceremony, see their competition submissions displayed and meet the authors. We spent a lot of time with Teri Terry, author of Dark Blue Rising, quizzing her on how she comes up with ideas for her books, and discovering that sometimes she dreams them! 

    Thank you to the generous PTA who paid for the books and our participation in the awards ceremony. The students loved it and have already asked to take part again next year!

    Mrs Carey, School Librarian

    Click on the link here to view the TSBA Ceremony Photo Gallery

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