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  • Student Recognition Award 2024

    Published 29/04/24

    The Year 13 students were introduced to a new award this year, the Student Recognition Award, which allows the students to vote for a member of their year who they believe deserves to be recognised for their impact on the Sixth Form and the school community.

    The students voted for many people in the year group and for a variety of reasons, including engagement with House events, having a kind and caring personality, commitment to extracurricular activities and support for various school events. However, there was an overwhelming voice to recognise James Spatz as the winner.

    James is described by his peers as being friendly, helpful, incredibly dedicated, always willing to speak up, joyful, passionate and the light of our school.

    In the words of the year group, he also has a genuine enthusiasm for improvement within the school and beyond, which inspires those around him. He has made a huge contribution to the school community and listens to what the students' wants and needs are, yet he is constantly modest. He is a positive role model in the school. He is always available for a conversation and takes time out of his day for others. He is admired by many of the year. He is described several times over as an eco-warrior and an absolute legend.

    James has had a significant impact on the school as he has introduced new recycling bins and taught us all how to use them correctly. He has ensured that there is a sanitary bin in every girls’ toilet cubicle in the school. James is a frequent litter-picker, and he has organised a rota to ensure that there will be toast for breakfast for the Year 13s every day over their exams. Even down to the smaller but important activities, James has been responsible for changing the Week A/B sign in SFC, he has organised public transport on trips, and he has helped several Year 13s book their holidays.

    This quote from a Year 13 sums James up perfectly:

    “I think that James deserves this award because of his constant hard work and dedication to our school community. He has made a significant impact on improving the environment and recycling and is such an inspirational figure who fully deserves to be recognised for his presence.”

    On behalf of your peers as well as the staff in this school, thank you, James and well-done!

    The award will be presented every year to a Year 13 student. In the book there is a picture of the Year 13 cohort, a timeline of news events from the year, and the reasons why the students voted for the winner. Many thanks to Ms Smith for donating the book and to Emily Hoang in 11EAB for the beautiful writing on the front page. We look forward to seeing the book develop year to year. Might you win it when you’re in Year 13?

    Miss Roberts, Director of Studies, Year 13

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  • STEM News April 2024

    Published 24/04/24


    Bexley Grammar Students Win Big!

    For six weeks this spring, a group of 30 Year 8 students were invited to take part in a new Engineering Programme called STEMFEST run by The Fest Hub. The aim of the programme is to bring together schools, engineers and the football community to inspire a new generation of engineers. Our school was paired with Charlton Athletic Football Club and an Engineering Firm called Ramboll Group, and we competed against two other schools from the London area.





    Students worked with engineers and representatives from Charlton’s Community Outreach team over a number of weeks to learn about engineering and its role in football and also to design a new stadium. We then attended a grand final at the London Stadium where they pitched their ideas to a panel of industry experts, who then quizzed them on their designs. I was incredibly proud of how all the teams performed. Anyone would have found the presentations daunting, but they all rose to the challenge and really represented Bexley Grammar School brilliantly.

    All the students were given a goodie bag and enjoyed the novelty of having a free lunch, which made us all feel very professional!

    Overall, our teams did fantastically well, winning three out of the six prizes available (we didn’t actually enter two of them but who’s counting??)

    Ms R Lusted, STEM Coordinator

    The winners were:

    Most Sustainable Design

    Nibodh Shrestha, Jason Hammond, Victoria Lawani & Guin Homfray

    Best Presentation

    Radleigh Pompei, Adam Sulcas, Sid Pant & Josh Rehal

    Strongest Bridge

    Lilla Berglund, Florie Nalepa, Freya Savage, Hannah Keeling,
    Katy Fletcher & Christopher Male

    A student’s perspective 

    Stemfest was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the field of engineering, allowing us to learn more about a profession we may want to pursue in the future. They accomplished this by setting us the task of redesigning Charlton Athletic Football Club's, 'The Valley'. We then spent the next few sessions of STEMFEST learning about the roles of engineers in a team and working on our presentation for the redesign of The Valley stadium. We started the event by, in groups, building the strongest bridge possible with newspaper rolls and cable ties. Juice cartons filled with water were then placed onto the bridge to see how much load our bridges could hold. This depended on our design and how well our bridge dispersed the weight of the load. The winner of this bridge contest was a group from our school with a load of 43 cartons, each weighing 1.75kg to a total of 75.25kg, which broke their all-time record.

    We then went to present our group presentation that we had been working on over our past few STEMFEST sessions to a board of professionals who assessed our stadium designs and presentation skills. After that, we were treated to a buffet of sandwiches. Then it was inspirational speeches delivered to us by special guests who, against all odds, became incredibly successful in the engineering industry, passing some of their immense knowledge onto the new generation of potential engineers. This was followed up by the award ceremony, which presented the well-deserved to students awards for best design, sustainability, and presentations, being awarded a trophy and a £30 Amazon gift card, and although I didn't win, I still had a very enjoyable experience. Throughout this experience, I have learnt greatly about the field of engineering, and it has developed my interest in engineering and increased my curiosity in science.

    Elwood Battye, Year 8

    Please click on the link here to view the STEMFEST Photo Gallery.

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  • Young Enterprise ~ Illumina 'Best Company' Award

    Published 24/04/24

    Five representatives from this year's Young Enterprise team, Illumina, competed against other school teams in the East London Finals of the Company Programme competition on Monday 22nd April. Students travelled to the BNY Mellon offices in London where they showcased their company. Students had already completed a detailed business report for the competition and needed to set up a trade stand to demonstrate and give information on their product - multisensory candles. The judges interviewed the five representatives at their stand where students explained their inspiration to improve mental health and how they came up with such a fantastic idea. They were then taken off to a separate interview room where judges more formally questioned them on the Company Programme process, their finances, experiences and next steps. After that, the team were greeted by other members of the team and parents who had travelled to London to show their support. Finally, the team needed to give a presentation to everyone at the event. They were the last to present but soon had the audience participating in finding hidden leaflets stuck to the bottom of their chairs to demonstrate the sheer number of people affected by a mental health problem. They did an excellent job of keeping their cool throughout the day. The most prestigious award - Best Company - was given to Illumina! The team were commended on their performance in all aspects of the competition and judges felt that this was a high-quality, professional product that could be a real success in the future.

    Well done to the representing students; Max Campbell, Evie Ngyuyen, Luke Winter, Jasreen Ghag and Ethan Abbate for their exceptional performances and hard work in the lead up to this event. They represent a large team who are also responsible for the ideas, acumen, marketing and production in the business. The team has been competently led by Max, who has shown tremendous resilience throughout the process, and we're glad that he was recognised for his diligence in this way. A big thank you to Max's parents, who have been pillars of support for the team, from turning their house into a candle production factory to driving heavy stock all over London for their various events to helping students improve their marketing skills - we are all very grateful.

    Illumina is going on to compete in the next stage of the competition in May, and we wish them all the very best of luck. 

    Mrs Harris, Head of Economics and Business

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  • Chamber Choir perform at Spring Sing Choir Festival

    Published 24/04/24

    On Saturday 20th April, the Chamber Choir performed at the inaugural Spring Song Choir Festival at Christchurch Bexleyheath, organised by ZigZag Performing Arts and Greenwich Academy for Music and Dance. Comprised of Year 12 and 13 students and led expertly by Mrs Casling, the Choir performed Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, Glow by Eric Whitacre and Grace Kelly by Mika. Their performance was wonderful to watch, with smiles of enjoyment clearly visible throughout their performance. The audience were treated to a high quality performance, and the choir enjoyed performing alongside other local community choirs. Well done to members of the Chamber Choir - and good luck to our Year 13 members as you embark on study leave and exams!

    Mrs Goddard, Music Department

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  • BGS wins SSAT Educational Outcomes Award 2023

    Published 28/03/24

    This week, the school received an SSAT Educational Outcomes Award for Exceptional Student Progress in 2023. This is in recognition of us being in the top 20% of schools nationally for last summer's exceptional GCSE outcomes.  

    The SSAT is the largest and longest-standing network of secondary schools in England and their unique Educational Outcomes tool brings together all publicly available data on all schools nationally. Educational Outcomes Awards recognise the highest performing schools nationally against a range of measures. Receiving an Educational Outcomes Award is a significant achievement and a testament to the work of everyone at Bexley Grammar School.

    Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT, wrote to us saying “Congratulations to Bexley Grammar School on winning an SSAT Educational Outcomes Award. This success is down to the superb learning and teaching, outstanding support and inspirational leadership of students, staff, parents / carers and Trustees. You have made a huge difference to the lives of the young people in your school. Thank you.”

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  • Culture Day 2024 (Part 1)

    Published 25/03/24

    On Friday 15th March we celebrated Culture Day at BGS. Staff and students wore traditional attire or items of clothing representing their cultural heritage and participated in a range of activities throughout the day. Below are descriptions of some of the activities that took place - next week students will report on and share pictures of the fantastic after-school event organised by the ACS (Afro-Caribbean Society) and SEAS (South-East Asian Society).

    Bailes en Linea

    A large number of students in Years 10 and 11 joined Ms Giglione in the hall in their lunch period for some Bailes en Linea (South American Line Dancing). It was very energetic and great fun was had by all!

    Biscuit Decorating

    At lunch, I participated in the biscuit making in L3 and I thought it was really fun. It was a really good way of representing your country through creating unique designs using the abundance of different colours of icing. For example, since I am from Jamaica, I created the Jamaican flag as the design for my biscuit.

    Elijah, Year 11


    International Games Culture Day

    To celebrate Culture Day, the Language Club prefects hosted a session of International Games. We played Romanian Scrabble, as well as German Bananagrams. It was good to learn about how different cultures play games that are widely known around the world.

    Overall, it was really fun and something that would be fun to do again!

    Caitlin Gorman, Year 9

    International Crafts

    On Culture day, I helped to run the fan making activity during P6 lunch. We didn't know if it would be popular, but we ended up with around 20 people! It was fun and easy to do. I would encourage everyone to be involved in activities on any future Culture days.

    Lucy, Year 11

    Find the Flags Competition

    Throughout the day, students raced to find and name 20 flags hidden all over the school. Students who were successful claimed a small prize from the MFL Office!

    Year 7 Media Correspondents
    Culture Day Report

    On Friday 15th March, Culture Day was run by the SEAS and ACS which was lots of fun for everyone, with many activities throughout the day including biscuit decorating, a challenge to find country flags around the school, an international parade and food stalls!

    As well as this, many students wore clothes from their home countries, showing classmates all about where they come from. We are all individuals in a big supportive group, and we respect everyone, and take the opportunity when given to learn about other cultures.

    Culture day gives pupils the opportunity to celebrate and represent their cultures as well as a chance for everybody to embrace the customs, traditions and languages that make each culture unique.

    Lily, Year 7, said “It was a great opportunity to learn about other people's cultures and heritages.”

    Paige, Year 7, said “I really enjoyed culture day as it was a chance to celebrate other people's cultures and traditions.”

    Aysu, Tanvi and Kendra, Year 7 Media Correspondents

    Click on the link here to view the Culture Day 2024 Photo Gallery.

    Mrs Savage, MFL Department

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  • Neurodiversity Celebration Week 18th-24th March 2024

    Published 20/03/24
    What is neurodiversity?

    Everyone has a differently-wired brain and their own unique way of thinking, interacting and experiencing the world. Neurodiversity is based on the concept that neurological variances should be recognised and respected just like any other human variation, such as gender, race or sexual orientation. Neurodiversity is about recognising that everyone’s brain works differently.

    No Human Brain Is Exactly Alike

    There is no ‘standard’ human brain against which all other human brains can be compared. On the contrary, the human brain is so complex that no brain is exactly alike. The wide range of natural neurological variations of the brain affect the way that people think, learn and process information. So, during Neurodiversity Week, we're celebrating this uniqueness. We're recognising that every brain is wired differently. It's all about understanding and accepting that each of us learns and sees the world in our own way.

    Respecting Differences

    Imagine a world where everyone looked the same, talked the same, and thought the same. Sounds pretty boring, right? That's because it is! Our differences are what make the world exciting, vibrant, and full of possibilities. Whether it's the way we look, the way we speak, or the way our brains work, each of us brings something unique to the table. And you know what? That's something to celebrate, not judge. Respecting differences isn't just about being nice to each other – it's about recognising the value in differences. It's about understanding that just because someone is different from you, it doesn't make them any less important or worthy of respect. Instead of seeing these differences as something unusual or strange, Neurodiversity Celebration Week is all about appreciating and honouring the wide spectrum of neurological variations. Our brains are incredibly intricate, much like fingerprints – no two are exactly alike.

    Do These Differences Have a Name?

    Some of the different ways of thinking, learning, interacting and perceiving the world have been given labels. For example:

    But before we dive into understanding how these neurological differences affect the brain, let's take a moment to highlight their strengths. Each of these labels represents a unique way of experiencing the world. So, as we explore these differences, let's keep in mind the incredible strengths that come with them. Because when we focus on strengths rather than limitations, we can better appreciate the diverse talents and abilities that each of us brings to the table.

    For example, one of the remarkable strengths associated with ADHD is hyperfocus. While attention can sometimes be challenging to maintain, individuals with ADHD often have the ability to hyperfocus intensely on tasks they find engaging or interesting. This can lead to bursts of incredible productivity and innovation, where they can accomplish tasks with remarkable efficiency and creativity.

    Individuals on the autism spectrum often have a remarkable attention to detail. They possess the ability to notice patterns and discrepancies that others might overlook, thanks to their keen observation skills. This attention to detail can be incredibly valuable in various fields, such as science, engineering, and the arts, where precision and accuracy are paramount.

    These are just a couple of examples of the many strengths that neurodivergent individuals have. Each person's unique neurodiversity offers a wealth of talents and abilities that enrich our communities and contribute to the diversity of thought and perspective that makes our world so vibrant.

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    About 4% of the population have Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It affects a person's ability to regulate attention, control impulses, and manage hyperactivity. Some can also have difficulties in regulating emotions, leading to mood swings, irritability, or emotional outbursts. People with ADHD can be some of the most creative members of a team, bringing energy and new approaches to their projects. Several studies have shown that people with ADHD tend to be out-of-the-box thinkers and calm under pressure. It is important to note that these strengths and weaknesses can vary greatly depending on the individual.


    About 2% of the population has Autism. Autism affects how a person perceives the world, interacts and socialises with others. This can make it challenging for them to pick up social cues and interpret them. People with Autism can be sensitive to lights, noise, touch and smells, which can sometimes cause them distress. Sometimes, social Interaction can be difficult. There can be difficulty understanding social cues, body language, and unwritten social rules, which can make social interactions challenging. This may lead to feelings of isolation or difficulty forming friendships.

    However, they can be highly logical and can be good at absorbing and remembering facts, attention to detail, and recognising patterns. They also possess many qualities that make a great friend, such as loyalty, honesty and acceptance of others.

    It is important to mention that not everyone who has a neurodivergent condition such as autism presents in the same way. It is possible for people to experience different characteristics, and that is why it is sometimes referred to as being on a ‘spectrum’. Stereotypes should be avoided at all costs.


    About 10% of the population are dyslexic and 10-15% have Irlens. These are language processing difficulties that can cause challenges with reading, writing and spelling. It's the brain's inability to process information correctly causing words to move or distort on a page. It can cause challenges with processing information quickly, organisation and sequencing. To help with reading, they can use different coloured paper, a clear coloured plastic overlay or coloured glasses to help them see the words clearer.

    Here is an example of what someone with dyslexia sees:

    Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD, Dyspraxia)

    About 6% of the population are dyspraxic. Dyspraxia affects your physical coordination. Sometimes dyspraxia can be misperceived as clumsiness. Dyspraxia can affect your fine motor skills, such as your handwriting, ability to tie your shoes and doing up buttons. It can also affect your gross motor skills, such as being able to catch and kick a ball, run and ride a bicycle. Dyspraxia can also affect your ability to organise yourself. Dyspraxic people are creative, determined and really good at developing their own strategies to overcome difficulties.


    About 5% of the population have dyscalculia. Dyscalculia affects an individual’s ability to acquire and use mathematical skills. For some, it affects how they see numbers. For others, it might make symbols difficult to read, or they may have trouble understanding finances, data and using numbers in everyday life. People with dyscalculia often have strengths such as intuitive and strong strategic thinking, are very creative and have a love of words.

    Tourette Syndrome (TS)

    About 1% of the population have Tourette Syndrome. Tourette Syndrome causes sudden, uncontrolled, repetitive muscle movements or sounds called “tics”.

    Stressful situations can make the tics more frequent, longer and more severe.

    Living with Tourette's requires resilience, adaptability, and courage. Creativity often shines brightly in individuals with Tourette's. Many have a natural flair for artistic expression, whether it's through painting, writing, music, or other forms of creativity.  They are often high-achieving, creative and empathetic.

    What is Neurodiversity Celebration Week About?

    Neurodiversity Week is a celebration, an opportunity for us to come together and embrace the beautiful spectrum of neurological differences that exist among us. It's about recognising and honouring the unique strengths, talents and perspectives that neurodiverse individuals bring to our community.

    So let's learn, let's empathise, and let's celebrate Neurodiversity Week, because understanding and acceptance are the keys to building a truly inclusive and compassionate society.

    What Can You Do To Help?
    • Don’t tease or make fun of anyone in your class who is different or who is finding something difficult, needs time out or uses different coloured paper.
    • Instead, be kind, understanding and encouraging.
    • Never forget that you have the power to make a positive difference to someone who may be having a difficult time.
    • Make someone’s day by being understanding and kind.

    There are several free webinars this week (see below) that can be signed up for via along with more information about worldwide Neurodiversity Celebration Week at

    Mrs Meyer, Assistant Headteacher and SENCo
    Mrs Sitch,
    Higher Level Teaching Assistant (SEND department)


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  • Women's History Month 2024

    Published 19/03/24

    International Women's Day
    Friday 8th March

    Please click on the link here for an inspirational Women's History Month calendar for March.









    Celebrate International Women's Day
    with some of these suggestions 

    Cinderella is Dead by Kallyn Bayron

    It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now required to appear at the Annual Ball, where the men of the kingdom select wives based on a girl’s display of finery.

    Sixteen-year-old Sophia would much rather marry Erin, her childhood best friend, than parade in front of suitors. At the ball, Sophia makes the desperate decision to flee, and finds herself hiding in Cinderella’s mausoleum. There, she meets Constance, the last known descendant of Cinderella and her step-sisters.  Together they vow to bring down the king once and for all.


    This Book is Feminist by Jamia Wilson and Aurelia Durand

    'This Book Is Feminist' is a vibrantly illustrated introduction to intersectional feminism for pre-teens and teens.

    Discover the history and meaning of the feminist movement through 15 reasons why feminism improves life for everyone.


    My Brothers Have Not Read Little Women
    by Scarlett Curtis

    We sailed to Treasure Island,
    Became Lord of the Flies,
    We saw ourselves in Holden C,
    Damaged, sad and wise.

    We gave our time to Oliver.
    Our hearts to Spider-man.
    Followed Charlie to the factory,
    Took flight with Peter Pan.

    Your words are universal.
    Your characters are true.
    Your stories transcend gender,
    But women write books too.

    Popular Culture

    Moxie - Netflix

    Vivian Carter is fed up. Fed up with her small-town Texas high school, who thinks the football team can do no wrong.

    Fed up with sexist dress codes and hallway harassment. But most of all, Viv Carter is fed up with always following the rules.

    Please click here for further reading materials and other useful links.

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  • US Trip of a Lifetime!

    Published 06/03/24

    On the 9th February, the Business and Economics department took 33 students to the United States of America. We flew into Washington and visited the iconic sites of the US Capitol, the White House, the Smythsonian museums and the Lincoln Memorial. We then took a coach to Philadelphia, where we were able to view the Liberty Bell and the famous Rocky steps and statue before heading off to New York. There we walked around Manhattan, took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty, went to the top of the Empire State Building, toured the Financial District and ground zero and battled through a snowstorm to visit the United Nations Headquarters. We also ate our weight in chocolate at the Hershey’s Chocolate World tour, listened to the 9/11 stories from firefighters at the FDNY store, posed with police officers at the Brooklyn 99 HQ in Brooklyn, rode the carousel at Central Park, cheered for players at the Brooklyn Nets basketball game and hung out with minor celebrities in Times Square. To be able to travel with this group was an absolute pleasure - they were inquisitive, excitable, friendly and incredibly well-behaved. They did their research and made sure they experienced everything these cities had to offer - I’ve never had a group want to retire to their beds so early, ready for the array of activities of the next day. This was a trip to remember for a lifetime!

    Mrs Harris, Head of Business and Economics

    After an 8-hour flight, we landed in Washington where we rested our heads before heading off to the Capitol Building.  We were given an incredibly detailed and interesting tour, learning the basis of the US Justice and Government system. We also walked along The Mall, seeing the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr's Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial and the White House to name a few. My friend and I also had time to look around the American History Museum, seeing Dorothy's red shoes and Jonny Coltrane's saxophone!

    Soon enough, we were driving to New York and on the way we made a quick pit-stop in Philadelphia, where we ran up the Rocky Steps and saw the Liberty Bell. Mrs Harris then let us eat lunch in this amazing food market and many of us tried a 'Philly' cheese steak, which was delicious. As we drove into Manhattan, we all screamed the lyrics to Empire State Mind, and we were so excited to start exploring New York City. The organised activities included a guided tour of the United Nations and the Hershey Store, as well as an evening trip up to the top of the Empire State Building. We also visited The Statue of Liberty and the Immigration Museums and got very cold on the ferries to and from the Islands! One evening, we saw an American basketball game, which was such a cool experience that I'll never forget. The trip was amazing as we were given enough freedom to do our own things, with Beth and I seeing 'Six' the Musical on Broadway and trying out New York's fast food and restaurants. Overall, the trip was an incredible experience and I can't wait to go back soon!

    Rosie Barnwell, Year 13

    The US trip was nothing short of amazing. I had no idea what to expect, having never been to America before, but I was very impressed with the tall skyscrapers and the rich history of a country that is so young in comparison to our own. I was, however, less impressed with the price of everything over there. I was shocked when the cashier at McDonald’s told me my meal would cost $22! I was very invested in the visit to the Capitol building and Ellis Island as it felt so surreal to step foot into places I’d only ever seen on TV, as well as enjoying the hospitality of the American people, which is an accurate stereotype as everyone is so friendly and helpful over there.

    While I did enjoy my time in Washington and Philadelphia, I would have to say New York was the best part of the trip. Visiting Times Square and the Empire State Building were lifetime experiences that I will definitely always remember, but a special mention has to go to my trip to Little Italy with Sophie. Unfortunately, we were unable to find authentic Italian food or people (sorry Ms Martucci and Mrs Giglione, we really tried!) However, it was a very telling experience about how America has developed as an immigrant nation and how it really is a melting pot of different cultures.

    Overall, I really liked my experience in the US and am very grateful to the Business and Economics department for organising such a spectacular and special experience, especially thankful to Mrs Harris for spearheading the trip (and Mr Cheuk for joining at the last minute and being exceptionally talented at locating lost items).

    Dionis Zaimaj, Year 13

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  • Year 9 Kent Cup ~ Well Done Boys!

    Published 06/03/24

    All season the boys have been working hard to keep their undefeated streak in the Kent Cup alive with some very impressive performances against difficult opposition.  This all came to a head on Saturday when they played in the final against Harvey Grammar School at the Gallagher Stadium, home of Maidstone Utd. 
    The boys had a quieter than normal warm up and the pre-game talk was about focusing on a quick start and not allowing the opposition to play.  The boys took to their task perfectly and created a few early chances, but Harvey's goalkeeper kept the scores level.  Against the run of play, Harvey Grammar managed to score a free kick to give them an early lead, but it was short-lived.  Bexley picked themselves up and, after a string of excellent play, Jesse pushed the ball past the goalkeeper to equalise.  We managed to get the ball in the net again before half-time, but it was ruled offside. 1-1 at half-time. 
    The team talk was all about pushing on and converting our chances.  We knew that we wanted to score early in order to take this game away from Harvey Grammar, and we did with one of George's huge throws, capitalised on by Maks.  2-1 Bexley. 
    The game ebbed and flowed, but Bexley continued to assert their dominance over the game, just not having an end product.  Harvey Grammar's best player, who had been relatively quiet in the game thanks to our robust defending, picked up the ball and started an incredible run through to goal where there was a tangle of legs and, after some confusion, a penalty was given.  2-2.  It stayed that way until the end of the game, even with a few late chances from our boys, we couldn't get the ball in the net.  Under Kent rules, there is no longer extra time and penalties, so we had to settle for a shared trophy. For all round, excellent play Luke F was picked as Player of the Match. 
    Although it felt like a loss on the day, I couldn't be more proud of these boys and the effort and commitment that they have shown to this team.  Next time, we will win outright...
    Mr Skinner, PE Department
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  • Year 9 Kent Cup Final

    Published 19/02/24

    Support Team BGS at Maidstone United's Gallagher stadium on Saturday 2 March - book your Cup Final tickets today! 

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