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Classics Summer Poetry Competition

Hattie Pigott-Denyer entered a Classics Summer poetry competition called "I sing of What I love". Her entry has been listed as a runner-up.

I would like to congratulate her on behalf of the Classics department for this inspiring entry. The Muses would be proud!

Miss Meacher, Classics Department

The words flowed from rivers to streams,
Across villages through minds and into daydreams.
Great answers travelled with dark ink,
Myths and legends respond to the unknown, they think.
Cassandra’s ignored prophecies,
Led to an axe, and a wife watching as she bleeds.
Persephone was imprisoned,
Seasons fluctuated until Hades listened.
The Gods, the Goddesses each stand,
Colossal powers that control mortals and land.
Rome was built using stone, like thread,
Romulus and Remus fought until one was dead.
With my pen in my hand, I write, 
Myths and legends form inspirations that are bright.
The great stories that form stories,
Form characters and more myths, art in galleries.
All we have to do is listen.
And write.

Hattie Pigott-Denyer, Year 11