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Year 8 & 9 Debate Competition

On the 21st of September, eight pupils from Years 8 and 9 went to the SPGS Women's Open at St Paul's Girls' School in Hammersmith. Participating in a debate competition provided pupils with an enriching and dynamic experience, offering them the opportunity to hone valuable skills like critical thinking, public speaking, and try using the British Parliamentary debate style. As they prepared for their debates, pupils dived deep into complex topics, learning to analyse multiple perspectives, develop coherent arguments, and counter opposing viewpoints with rebuttals. Throughout the process, they improved their communication skills, becoming more articulate and persuasive speakers. Beyond the academic and intellectual growth, students found the debate environment exciting and enjoyable. They relished the chance to engage in passionate discussions with peers who shared their enthusiasm for tackling important issues. The competitive nature of the events added a thrill, as they strived to outperform their opponents while upholding the principles of respectful discourse. The pupils did a fantastic job, with Amelia Younis-Jourdan and Zoe Chown placing first in the round. Additionally, Mar Costa-Mazmanoglu, Evelyn Sabin, Mia Forster and Eva Estaugh placed second in one round as well! 

Student quotes: 

  • Zoe Chown 'My experience at the debate competition at St Paul’s Girls School was amazing! The atmosphere was incredible, and the debates were inspiring. The event was kicked off with the motion “This house believes that digital learning prepares students better for the future” and we argue against. It was an extremely fast-paced debate, and as it was my first formal competition, I was nerve-wracked. In the end, though, it was great fun! Amelia and I won the final debate (This house proposes a 50% quota on women in politics) and had the opportunity to watch the gold final, which was of an unbelievably high standard. I consider myself lucky to have had the experience.'
  • Amelia Younis-Jordan 'I attended the SPGS debate competition, and it is honestly one of the best experiences I've had in a long time. I made new friends and had well-informed debates with other like-minded people. We lost 2 of our debates and won our last one, which, considering the level of the competition, is an impressive feat. I am extremely excited about competing again (hopefully in November) and hopefully meeting more new people and debating other interesting topics.'