Heavy Hugs Company wins 'Best Product/Service’ Award

On Tuesday 25th February, our team of students had the incredible opportunity to represent the school at Old Spitalfields Market as part of the Young Enterprise Programme.
Our student-led company, Heavy Hugs, sells 1.2kg weighted teddy bears, designed to help reduce stress and anxiety through deep pressure stimulation, which promotes the release of serotonin and dopamine.
We went fully prepared to advertise our bears and sell as many as we could. We worked very hard on preparing decorations for our stall and making sure we could present our company's Heavy Hugs in the best possible light.
The opening of the trade fair had us a bit intimidated as this was our first time selling to the general public, but we soon got into the swing of things and had a lot of fun interacting with people. It was fun discussing the benefits of our weighted bear and the event was a fantastic learning experience, allowing us to engage with customers, practice our sales pitches and receive feedback from professionals. A competition was also being run, which meant that judges came around to assess our stalls and ask questions to get to know the inner workings of our company, Heavy Hugs.
At the end of the event, the time for awards had come. Everyone’s attention was directed to the balcony where the judges had gathered to announce the winners. We won ‘Best Product/Service’ and we were elated. Congratulations from the judges and a successful event made us believe that we could continue this success in future trade markets.
We are incredibly grateful for all the support we’ve received from school, especially from Mrs Harris, and look forward to seeing how Heavy Hugs continues to grow and make a difference!
Zac and Precious, Year 12