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Year 9 trip to PGL, Barton Hall

We came, we had an amazing time, we loved PGL!

Year 9 had an incredible trip to PGL at Barton Hall, Devon. Despite rain and wind, all the 145 students took part in a diverse range of adventure and team-building activities. All the staff and students had a fabulous couple of days together. We even got to see Stonehenge on our journey, which was a great-added bonus!

Some of our activities included: Survivor, which saw dens built and campfires lit with a flint and steel.

We climbed up and abseiled down as well and completed the vertical challenge. Nothing would stop us reaching the top.

Student comments

A fun experience with a variety of activities and games as well as there always being something to do during free time.

Roshan Jinse, 9MPM

I loved PGL, it was one of my best experiences.

I was scared to go at first, but I'm so glad I went because I got to try so many new things and activities I would never have done otherwise. I would definitely go again!

Sophie Allen, 9FTM

It was great fun. I enjoyed participating in the activities with my friends.

Luke Martin, 9MPM

A very nice experience. Many exciting activities, such as climbing, shooting and swimming. There were decent options for food, especially for Vegetarians and Vegans, which was very good for me personally. The people treated us very well and were very helpful. The rooms included bathrooms as well. Overall, it was a great experience and kept us away from our phones. I would definitely recommend it.

Bhavin Mulchandani, 9STA

PGL was a fun and memory-creating experience that we were all very lucky to go to. The activities were engaging, including archery, swimming, rifle shooting and abseiling, with my favourite one being the vertical challenge. The afternoon activities were great, with the disco getting all of us up and onto the dance floor having a fun time with our friends. Unfortunately, the campfire was cancelled due to the rain but the teachers and PGL leaders came through with a knowledge-testing quiz to end the second day. We left for school early afternoon the next day; all of us gutted to leave an experience behind that we'll talk about for years to come. On the way back, we drove past Stonehenge, just to top it off. Overall, this trip is not one I'll forget in a while.

Dhylan Bracken, 9JMP

Click on the link here to view the PGL, Barton Hall Photo Gallery