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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 ~ A Resounding Success! (Monday 13th - Friday 17th May)

Mental Health Awareness Week, organised by Miss Gowdie (Psychology teacher) and the dedicated psychology prefects, was a vibrant and impactful event this year. Kicking off with a bake sale on Monday, May 13th, the generosity of our students was overwhelming. The sheer amount of treats donated allowed us to host a second bake sale on Tuesday, May 14th, during both break and lunch times. To further raise awareness, Thursday, May 16th, was designated as "Wear Green Day." Students showed their support by donning green attire or accessories and contributing donations to YoungMinds and Place2Be charities. The week culminated in a dynamic "Move Day" on Friday, May 17th, where both students and teachers participated in an array of activities including races, juggling, hula-hooping, and kick-up competitions. The energy and enthusiasm were palpable, creating a lively atmosphere that resonated throughout the school.

Here are statements from our dedicated psychology prefects, Princela and Farida, reflecting on the week's activities and their impact on our school community.

To promote Mental Health Awareness Week, I, along with some of the other Senior Prefects, helped give an assembly to the Year 7s, during which we discussed the importance of mental health awareness, the signs to look out for in yourself and others, as well as coping strategies. This assembly was very successful! Some of the events of the week included a Bake Sale, Wear A Green Item Day and Move For Mental Health, which included lunchtime activities on the Friday. The Bake Sale managed to raise a total of £109.50! All of which will be donated to mental health charities ‘Young Minds’ and ‘Place2Be’!


For the ‘Wear a Green Item Day’, students were encouraged to bring in a green item to raise awareness for the two chosen charities, ‘Young Minds’ and ‘Place2Be’.

Move for Mental Health (lunchtime activities), was a very eventful and successful lunch where not just students of all year groups, but teachers too engaged in multiple activities at lunch to get them moving! We had a variety of juggling, hula-hooping, keepy-uppy competitions and a race! Some winners of each competition even got special medals as a reward for their accomplishments. Overall, it was a fantastic way to keep everyone engaged and moving!
