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Calling all Alumni - join us on Facebook and keep in touch

BGS Alumni

If you are a former student or former member of staff of Bexley Grammar School we would love you to join this group to bring everyone together. Just click on the link above and ask to join. We already have well over 2000 members. If everyone asks one or two fellow alumni to join us here, we will soon grow an even larger BGS community together.

Old Bexleians

The OBA website has recently been redeveloped providing links to school news of interest to ex-pupils, with news of its own activities and hopefully over time an expanding archive of material of interest to Old Bexleians of every generation.

Write to the OBA Secretary, Mrs Snelling and tell her that you would like to receive more details when known. You can also look out for announcements on the OBA website.

Membership of the Old Bexleians Association is free to any ex-pupil or ex-staff member of Bexley Grammar School.