Questions & Answers
Below are some frequently asked questions that students and parents ask with answers to help you as your prepare for joining Bexley Grammar School in September
Q1: What do I need to bring on my first day?
You need to wear your smart new uniform, bring a packed lunch and water bottle, and bring a full equipped pencil case. All other details have been sent on a letter to your parents already, including which gate to arrive at and the timings of the first day.
Q2: What do I do if I lose my PE Kit/blazer/water bottle/pencil cases/reading glasses?
Please ensure that all of your school uniform, including your PE Kit, school bag and PE bag, has your name (first and surname), clearly written on it. It is helpful to mark your name with a permanent marker on other easily lost items, like your water bottle. All lost items are taken to the school reception. You can collect your lost property from reception during break, lunch and after school. An email will be sent to you or your form tutor to remind you to collect your item if it is not picked up, but this is only possible for items that are clearly named.
Q3: Can I ride my bike/scooter to school?
Yes, you can. There is a bike shed in school at the back of the playground by the language block, accessible via the "Top Entrance" marked on your virtual map. It is recommended that you bring a lock to secure your bike/scooter. You should wear a helmet when cycling to school. Please be aware that the driveways into school are for cars only, and that the road outside school is very busy at the start and end of the school day.
Q4: What do I do if I feel unwell in school?
Speak with your teacher, they will write a note into your planner and send you to reception where there is a medical room. You may find that you are sent back to lessons after some time to rest, or that your parents are called and asked to collect you.
Q5: Who do I contact if I have a question about my child's timetable/transition?
Please contact your child's tutor via email for queries regarding their school day, lesson, timetable.
For subject specific queries please contact their subject teachers via email.
For more serious matters, such as concerns over their welfare or academic progress please contact their Director of Studies, Mrs Belton Owen, via email.
Please refer to the Year 7 2021-22 booklet that is available to you for full, detailed information on all key aspects of the Bexley Grammar School.