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Sixth Form Bursary

Bexley Grammar School 16-19 Bursary Fund Guidance 

Students aged between 16-19 years facing financial hardship whilst in full-time education may be eligible to receive a payment from the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Schools, colleges and training providers have been given responsibility for awarding bursaries to students, which includes decisions on the amount, when it is paid and the criteria for payments. Bursary payments are made directly to students’ bank accounts by bank transfer.

Students must be aged 16 or over, but under 19 years on 31st August to be eligible for help from the bursary fund in the forthcoming academic year and must have the legal right to be resident in the United Kingdom at the start of their study programme. Students must also satisfy the following conditions to continue to receive the bursary:

  • The student must not have unauthorised or unexplained absence from lessons/school;
  • If you are absent for 3 days or more, you will not receive a payment for that week. 
  • If you have any unauthorised absences, you will not receive a payment for that week.
  • The student must continue to meet Sixth Form expectations in relation to attendance, punctuality, submission of work assignments and general conduct.
  • Students in receipt of bursary must have at least 90% attendance.

Types of Bursary 

1. Vulnerable Bursary 

You could receive a bursary worth up to £1,200, depending on your circumstances and benefits. You may be able to receive a bursary if at least one of the following applies:

  • you’re in, or you recently left, local authority care;
  • you receive Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially supporting yourself;
  • you receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit;
  • you receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either ESA or Universal Credit.

2. Free School Meals Bursary 

If you are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) you do not need to provide any additional information and can apply for a weekly bursary payment.

3. Discretionary Bursary 

You could receive a one off discretionary bursary if you need financial help but do not qualify for a bursary for students in Vulnerable Groups or Free School Meals. Your education or training provider decides how much you get and what it’s used for. You can only apply once for a discretionary bursary each academic year and you must be able to prove that your household income is below £25,000.

Essential Costs 

The bursary fund is intended to help students with the essential costs of participating in their study programme, such as: public transport costs to and from school; lunch; essential books and equipment; specialist clothing that the student might need in order to participate in a course, such as protective overalls or sports kit; contributions towards course-related activities and visits; travel to university interviews and open days. The bursary fund is not intended to support costs that are not related to education (e.g. living costs), extra-curricular activities (where these are not essential to the student’s study programme), or provide learning support such as counselling, mentoring or extra tutoring.

Application Process 

Eligible students should apply for the bursary as soon as possible after finishing Year 11, enrolment in September for Year 12, and/or soon after progressing to Year 13, by completing and submitting this application form.  For further information please contact Mrs S Jeffery, Sixth Form Attendance Officer.

The school reserves the right to cease payments to a student where their level of attendance or behaviour falls below the expectations of the Sixth Form.