Supplementary Form
BGS Supplementary form for Year 7 entry closed on Thursday 31st October 2024.
Children who are currently receiving Pupil Premium or are eligible for Free School Meals will need to complete a supplementary form. If your child does not receive either of these, you do not need to complete a supplementary form.
Up to 12 places are reserved for children who are eligible for receipt of Pupil Premium Grant funding at the time of application, and who are deemed selective, in rank order of distance from the school.
Documentary supporting evidence will need to be provided to support an application under this criteria and an additional supplementary form will need to be completed. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children are also eligible for Pupil Premium Grant funding but these children are already prioritised under a separate criteria.
Parents wishing to apply under this criterion must ensure they complete the below supplementary form and return it to Bexley Grammar School by 31 October 2024 in the year of application. There will also be copies available on our Open Mornings. Parents must also complete the Common Application Form (CAF) naming BGS in October, otherwise the child cannot be considered for a place. Completing the Supplementary Form for Pupil Premium alone does not constitute an application to the school.