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Available at Higher and Standard Level

Theatre aims

SL and HL aims to enable students to:

  1. Explore theatre in a variety of contexts and understand how these contexts inform practice (theatre in context) 
  2. Understand and engage in the processes of transforming ideas into action (theatre processes)
  3. Develop and apply theatre production, presentation and performance skills, working both independently and collaboratively (presenting theatre)

For HL only: 

  1. Understand and appreciate the relationship between theory and practice (theatre in context, theatre processes, presenting theatre).
Assessment tasks-
Task 1: Solo theatre piece (HL only) 

Students at HL research a theatre theorist  identifies an aspect(s) of their work and creates and presents a solo theatre piece of 4 to 7 minutes. 

Performance skills

(4–7 minutes)performance, 2500 word write up

  • SL- N/A
  • HL- 35%

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Task 2: Production Proposal (SL and HL) 

Students at SL and HL choose a published play text they have not previously studied and develop ideas regarding how it could be staged for an audience. This is presented in a 12 page notebook covering Production and directing skills

  • SL- 35%
  • HL- 20%
Task 3: Research presentation (SL and HL) 

Students at SL and HL plan and deliver an individual presentation (15 minutes maximum) to their peers in which they outline and physically demonstrate their research into a convention of a theatre tradition.

Research and Performance skills

  • SL- 30%
  • HL- 20%

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Task 4: Collaborative project (SL and HL) 

Students at SL and HL collaboratively create and present (Devise) an original piece of theatre (lasting 13–15 minutes) to a specified target audience, created from a starting point of their choice. 

Performance and Production Skills

  • SL- 35%
  • HL- 25%
Example here: 

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Quotes from past students

“I've settled amazingly in University. It's such a wonderful place and I love everything about it. The course is brilliant and I find myself far ahead of everyone else thanks to the IB Theatre diploma and the Theatre knowledge I learnt at Bexley Grammar over the last two years”

 “The IB Theatre course has shown me that there is so much more to the world of theatre (not just in England but across the world). This course is so different from the GCSE and I find myself enjoying picking up scripts to read for fun, to enrich my learning and feel more aware of the world of Theatre.”

 “I really enjoy the IB Theatre as it really challenges me, and also knowing I am able to develop my acting and directing abilities.”