The personal and social development of pupils is a fundamental aim of education. Personal, social, health and citizenship (PSHCE) education promotes pupils' personal, social and emotional development, as well as their health and wellbeing.
The revised statutory guidance for RSE from the department of education states that from September 2020, all secondary schools must deliver relationships and sex education.
It provides the knowledge, skills and attributes pupils need to lead healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Pupils also learn about businesses and different careers, how to manage money and budget.
PSHCE provides a framework within which the school is able to promote the well-being of pupils, provide advice and guidance on a variety of subjects, offer careers education, work-related learning, and interaction with the wider community.
The PSHCE programme aims to:
- Help pupils to deal with difficult moral and social questions that arise in their lives and in society.
- Help pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives, as individuals, parents, workers and members of society.
- Give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society at local, national and international levels.
- Provide education in citizenship and democracy, which will provide coherence in the way in which all pupils are helped to develop a full understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens.
- Equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of changing opportunities in learning and work. Through their learning and experiences inside and outside school, pupils begin to understand the nature of the world of work, the diversity and function of business, and its contribution to national prosperity. They develop as questioning and informed consumers and learn to manage their money and finances effectively.
- Give pupils an understanding of the positive and negative elements of risk and how to manage it effectively in a variety of situations.
PSHCE learning occurs in the curriculum through:
- Subject schemes of work
- Planned tutorial programmes
- The school's arrangements for pastoral care and pupil guidance
- Assemblies
- School Councils
- Planned learning opportunities in contexts outside school e.g. residential visits, work experience
- Extra curricular activities
- Encouraging all pupils to play a helpful part in the life of the school. neighbourhood, community and the wider world.
The school's five Power cross-curricular days give scope for a variety of events, guests, presentations and peer-led initiatives that broaden and deepen pupils' personal, social and economic development through involvement in many areas of work not covered elsewhere in the school curriculum.
The ethos of the school, the quality of its relationships, its concern with equality of opportunity for every child and the values which it exemplifies are crucial factors in pupils' personal and social development.
Young people's personal and social development will be influenced by their gender, sexuality, racial, social, cultural or religious background. Bexley Grammar School aims to create a positive environment in which diversity is valued and access to the curriculum and corporate life of the school is a reality for all pupils. PSHCE helps pupils become aware of the barriers that exist in society and enables them to challenge prejudice, whilst ensuring that the needs of every individual are also met.
Because all aspects of school life contribute to PSHCE, a whole-school planned approach is essential. The aims for PSHCE reflect the school aims. PSHE and Citizenship are a priority for school management and the responsibility of all teachers. Schemes of work for subjects, topics and tutorial programmes make explicit their contributions to the school's PSHE and Citizenship programme. Teachers with responsibility for learning opportunities outside school and extra curricular activities also show how these areas are supporting PSHE and Citizenship.
PSHE and Citizenship aim to produce young adults who are:
- Knowledgeable about themselves
- Self-confident and responsible both in and beyond the classroom
- Able to maintain successful interpersonal relationships
- Responsible for their actions and aware of the effects of those actions on others
- Sensitive to the beliefs, values and ways of life of others
- Able to reflect on issues and take part in discussions.
- Informed about local, national, and global issues.
- Critical thinkers, unafraid to challenge existing assumptions.
- Concerned to promote justice and equality in relationships and society.
- Able to work independently and collaboratively.
- Able to reflect on their learning and plan for their own future development.
- Able to apply their knowledge and skills to real life needs in the local community.
- Informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights.
These outcomes can be achieved through knowledge and understanding of:
- Self in relation to physical, emotional, intellectual and sexual development.
- Others of different attitudes, beliefs and cultures.
- Our economy and democratic institutions and values.
- The environment, the world of work and the needs of the local community.
Teaching and learning styles and classroom organisation are critical in enabling young people to gain a range of personal social and learning skills. We therefore use a range of lesson techniques, workshops, drama productions, external speakers, peer led lessons, ICT programmes and learning experiences to communicate ideas and themes to pupils.
Young people's personal and social development is a continuous process and does not proceed uniformly or at an even pace but will be reported by National Curriculum levels during Key Stage 3 and by reference to a statement of attitude during Key Stage 4.