Year 9 Dragons' Den
Last term, Year 9 were offered the chance to take part in the first Dragons' Den competition that the school has ever held. This was an exciting opportunity with a prize £250.00 to spend if they won on their idea. To win, they had to research and present a solution to a problem to Mr Gilmore, Mr Walsh and Mr Abbate, a school governor and me.
The key aim was to suggest ideas that would improve the school environment for both students and staff in the long term.
From Year 9, 4 groups came forward with a hugely diverse range of ideas. Each of the groups had to put together a fully funded plan of how they would spend £250.00. Their presentations had to set out who would benefit from the improvement, why this was necessary and how it would be put together.
We had presentations including an app to help students manage their homework and be better motivated, tabletop football tables for use by all Year groups, developing a school podcast that would support debate about global issues and topics, and our winning group that focused on how to improve an area of the school with plants/trees/shrubs etc. The groups were marked in line with the school ethos, how inclusive it was as well as the quality of the presentations.
Mr Abbate commented in his feedback
“I wish I had been as good and aware as they are at their age.
What struck me in particular is how each of them came up with an idea that helps other students in one way or another. This is superb.”
Look out for further information this year about the improvements in the courtyard area of the school that the winning group will be helping to plan, design and deliver. Huge congratulations to Kartikeya Srivastava, Raphael Swaroop and Sian Niazall in 9ERE. An impressive effort and presentation.
Mrs Belton-Owen
Director of Studies, Year 9