Student Recognition Award 2024

The Year 13 students were introduced to a new award this year, the Student Recognition Award, which allows the students to vote for a member of their year who they believe deserves to be recognised for their impact on the Sixth Form and the school community.
The students voted for many people in the year group and for a variety of reasons, including engagement with House events, having a kind and caring personality, commitment to extracurricular activities and support for various school events. However, there was an overwhelming voice to recognise James Spatz as the winner.
James is described by his peers as being friendly, helpful, incredibly dedicated, always willing to speak up, joyful, passionate and the light of our school.
In the words of the year group, he also has a genuine enthusiasm for improvement within the school and beyond, which inspires those around him. He has made a huge contribution to the school community and listens to what the students' wants and needs are, yet he is constantly modest. He is a positive role model in the school. He is always available for a conversation and takes time out of his day for others. He is admired by many of the year. He is described several times over as an eco-warrior and an absolute legend.
James has had a significant impact on the school as he has introduced new recycling bins and taught us all how to use them correctly. He has ensured that there is a sanitary bin in every girls’ toilet cubicle in the school. James is a frequent litter-picker, and he has organised a rota to ensure that there will be toast for breakfast for the Year 13s every day over their exams. Even down to the smaller but important activities, James has been responsible for changing the Week A/B sign in SFC, he has organised public transport on trips, and he has helped several Year 13s book their holidays.
This quote from a Year 13 sums James up perfectly:
“I think that James deserves this award because of his constant hard work and dedication to our school community. He has made a significant impact on improving the environment and recycling and is such an inspirational figure who fully deserves to be recognised for his presence.”
On behalf of your peers as well as the staff in this school, thank you, James and well-done!
The award will be presented every year to a Year 13 student. In the book there is a picture of the Year 13 cohort, a timeline of news events from the year, and the reasons why the students voted for the winner. Many thanks to Ms Smith for donating the book and to Emily Hoang in 11EAB for the beautiful writing on the front page. We look forward to seeing the book develop year to year. Might you win it when you’re in Year 13?
Miss Roberts, Director of Studies, Year 13