Annual Tutor Photographs
Year 10 Students
It has been a busy first term and the year group have settled well into their new GCSE lessons and subjects. Earlier in the term, I took the annual tutor photograph. I love these photos and look forward to seeing these all together next year when we start putting the Year Book together. It will be a delight to see how much they have changed since Year 7 and starting at BGS.
Mrs Belton-Owen
Director of Studies, Year 10
10 JMP
I know myself and the year 10 tutor team have also been impressed with how well they have started their GCSE courses, driving their future success by challenging themselves to be the best they can be right from the start.
So far this year we have also welcomed the German exchange students and enjoyed hosting our visitors here at school. I know the students that have taken part in this wider school opportunity have loved this.
The whole school photo that was taken to celebrate the 70th Platinum anniversary of the school, is now available for purchase. Details have been shared with you.
There are a wider range of opportunities this term for students to get involved in, including the Year 10 Student Council and a range of House activities, including House Music. So I look forward to seeing many Year 10 students showcasing their talents, skills and ideas.
Finally, a quick reminder to ensure that names are in blazers, on PE kits and in winter coats. A large number of items are lost each term. While we work hard to get these back to students, it is, of course, easier when items are named.